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EBank: Modernizing the banking industry

EBank built a network of correspondent Banks in countries with common interests and economic ties with Egypt

The Export Development Bank of Egypt, EBank was established in 1983 for the purpose of boosting Egyptian exports and supporting the establishment of Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Services Sectors. Soon after, EBank became the main funding source for export operations in Egypt.

Through its outstanding performance and policy, based on diversified investments, EBank was able to grow more and more, and achieve efficiency and a strong financial position. This helped EBank to gain the confidence of exporters, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as individuals, in addition to the trust of local and international financial institutions.

EBank plays a vital role in supporting Egyptian exporters and facilitating the access of Egyptian products to markets worldwide through the extension of finance of export, and import substitution projects to help improve local production. This goes along with its significant role in participating in syndicated loans and equity participation in those projects. The bank extends its full-fledged financing and banking services not only to exporters but also to its entire customer base.

To pave the way for Egyptian exporters, EBank built a network of correspondent Banks in countries with common interests and economic ties with Egypt. Moreover, EBank has a big network covering all of Egypt to serve customers wherever they are and cater to their various needs for banking products and services.

One of the main business lines and activities of the Bank is corporate banking and loan syndication activities. Its role is to provide the necessary finance for export-oriented and/or import substitution industries, supporting non-export industries’ finance requirements and securing necessary foreign currency needs.

It also provides necessary finance in the form of loan syndications for various industrial sectors. In addition, it also provides diversified finance packages including medium-term loans, and short-term lending to finance working capital requirements for various economic sectors. Furthermore, EBank plays a leading role in supporting the SMEs sector and the upstarts and entrepreneurs with relatively low cost, thus playing a vital role in promoting new business lines, decreasing the unemployment rate and encouraging youth to invade the practical business world. In this regard, the bank signed an agreement in 2005 with IFC, showing interest in supporting and developing the SMEs sector, which was reflected in the increase in the Bank’s SMEs portfolio and still going on in the same direction.

Additionally, EBank is keen to obtain customer satisfaction through providing microfinance, as well as a wide variety of retail banking products and services developed at competitive rates. Important products include time deposits, saving certificates in various currencies and tenors, different types of mutual funds, saving and current accounts, credit and debit cards, personal and car loans, mortgage finance, a call centre and different e-banking services.

It is worth mentioning that EBank’s future vision is to provide diversified banking products and services at the level of unique and high-quality service standards which will fulfil all the desires and needs of customers.

Renowned economist, Dr. Ahmed Galal, EBank Chairman of the Board of Directors/ CEO, said, “We are looking forward to a different era of technological development.”

The Export Development Bank of Egypt launched its new corporate identity and logo, EBank, as it reintroduces itself to customers, shareholders, and the entire sector, in a new disruptive way. This was reflected in the colours of its logo, branch facades, basic, promotional and advertising materials, electronic and digital applications, and all internal publications.

EBank also has a special slogan, to complement the last slogan “Bridging together for tomorrow”, which is “Pioneers of A New Era” representing a new world of digital/virtual services.

The new identity “EBank” capitalizes on the power of “E”, standing for: Egyptian, Export Experts, Electronic, Entrepreneurial, Excellence, Exquisite and a lot more.

It is worth mentioning that the new brand identity is inspired by the bank’s heritage picturing the world’s oldest commercial cargo ship, Hatshepsut boat, wrapped up with the agility to catch/create new market needs with a modern look reflecting both strength and trust.

Launching the new identity, EBank ran a mega-integrated 360 campaign in April 2022 that captivated audience attention on all media platforms. The bank’s branding video ad achieved the third highest viewership over Egyptian social media platforms transcending many big brands in various industries. This ran parallel with introducing its new brand identity and throwing a big launch event within the historical exquisite surroundings of Abdeen Palace.

Coinciding with the new identity, EBank launched its new strategy building upon its strong heritage and adding its new vision in order to anticipate exporters’ and clients’ divergent needs and to provide the most agile and efficient solutions. Furthermore, the bank introduced its new values for this era to be implemented by all staff and have them be: Accountable, Graceful, Innovative, Leader and Engaged.

In this context, Dr. Ahmed Galal, Chairman of the Board of Directors/ CEO, indicated that this stage for EBank aims to consolidate the bank’s vision and mission to be the optimal financing partner for all customer segments. This is through providing various services, integrated products and innovative banking solutions through the presence and spread, whether by opening new branches or expanding in providing digital services, retail banking services and companies while preserving the bank’s identity and strength in supporting the Egyptian exporters.

Entering the digitalization race and catching up, and pioneering in this new era, EBank launched the first Egyptian virtual banking platform, giving customers a pleasant yet informative virtual experience through its website.

Becoming the bank of the future, EBank started full automation and digitalization of the bank’s operations. Moreover, it is also working in collaboration with fintech and digital banks to provide competitive digital products at reduced costs in order to develop a unique digital proposition and avail resilient business continuity capacity to avoid business disruption.

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