Issue 02 - 2024MAGAZINETechnology
GBO_ website builders

The AI wave hits website builders

While fully AI-powered website builders are ideal, it is presently more typical to discover similar applications that assist with particular aspects of website management and creation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the 21st century, with technology being utilised in almost every aspect of our lives. Whether we like it or not, it is attempting to make things faster, better, and easier than ever before.

The ultimate goal of the finest website builders is actually to facilitate the quick and simple creation and management of profitable websites.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that website builders are hopping on the AI bandwagon and using its capabilities to release new tools that enhance their product offerings. This article looks at some of the most recent AI advancements in the website building processes, apart from offering unique perspectives, and speculates on what might be in store for the future.

AI and web developers

AI is already being used by several top website builders, particularly when it comes to automating time-consuming website management and development duties.

Hostinger, for instance, provides a comprehensive AI-powered website design solution. Users only need to enter their brand name, select a website type, specify the specific kind of website they want, and click “create a website” for it to function. They are shown a custom website template based on all the information they submitted a short while later.

A surprisingly excellent outcome

With its capacity to learn, adapt, and comprehend what users want from a website, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming website design. There are several advantages to using AI in web development that can increase the efficacy of your website.

For example, you can quickly update block content, write custom HTML code and insert it into blocks, add new material to a block, correct grammar issues, make contact forms, add call-to-action buttons (CTAs) to blocks, and much more by utilising AI with Unicorn Platform’s platform.

Additionally, by automatically evaluating user data and producing content that is specially customised to what people are most likely to click, AI decreases development time instead of manually coding or depending on freelance designers on a tight budget. This helps you cut expenses while optimising the performance of your website.

In the end, using AI for web development can assist you in producing a fantastic user experience that more effectively satisfies the demands of your target market – all without consuming all of your time or financial resources!

The websites ‘Diplomatic Lawn Care’, ‘Reflections in Focus’, and ‘Crystal Cutie Shop’ are a few instances of those created with the AI-powered website builder Hostinger. These won’t be recognised as the most creative website designs. However, they are orderly, polished, and fully furnished with all the details a prospective client may require—everything that most small businesses need, but which a great deal of them do not.

Jimdo and IONOS are two other website builders that use a similar strategy. Nevertheless, unlike Hostinger, which lets you create websites with helpful text suggestions, these AI builders rely on multiple-choice questions to generate a customised design.

Israeli web development venture Wix has revealed its plans to take a similar tack. By providing specifics about what they are seeking and responding to a few questions, website owners will be able to develop websites with the AI Site Generator tool. Similar to Hostinger’s AI solution, California-based Duda also offers an AI tool that claims to assist in creating sections, pages, product descriptions, and more.

While fully AI-powered website builders are ideal, it is presently more typical to discover similar applications that assist with particular aspects of website management and creation.

Consider Duda’s AI product as it stands today. It offers AI tools to assist you enhance the language on your website and creates meta titles and descriptions for your pages that are optimised for search engines. Along with AI image and colour palette generation, IONOS does something similar.

Is the application of AI revolutionary?

To be honest, AI isn’t as revolutionary as people make it out to be—at least not yet, despite all the hype around it. Before it completely replaces human labour in the process of creating websites, there are still many problems and obstacles to be resolved.

AI can assist you in rapidly creating a solid foundation for your website, but you will still need to make adjustments to produce a professional online presence for your company.

Experts in web development, design, SEO, and content creation can now rest easy knowing that, while AI is capable of performing certain tasks, it isn’t yet able to offer the same depth of knowledge and experience.

On the other hand, AI helps small businesses save a ton of time by producing content, customising templates, and adhering to best practices. Using their AI site builder, the median time for a website to become online was only 28 minutes and 46 seconds, according to unique statistics that Hostinger shared with us.

Cost savings follow time savings. This is particularly valid for companies who create a lot of websites, like agencies. According to a Duda study, adopting AI technologies in 2023 resulted in cost savings of up to $10,000 for 90% of the agencies examined. Additionally, it was shown that agencies project a 134% rise in 2024 over 2023 in cost reductions via AI tools.

Using the same kinds of AI tools, small firms and entrepreneurs should be able to save a smaller but still considerable amount of money from these large savings made by agencies.

Market feedback

Does using AI during the website building process save you money and time? Indeed.

Will it let you quickly (in a matter of seconds or minutes) develop a flawlessly finished website without the need for further editing? No.

So, what are the opinions of companies utilising these new AI tools firsthand, about them?

Jarrott Brown, who is a deputy sheriff with a side gig as a landscaper, told TechRadar that he began cutting lawns in 2011 and took a break from it in 2014. He recently restarted his firm using Hostinger’s AI Website Builder.

“In a single day, I designed and launched my website. It eliminated a lot of manual labour, which is what I found appealing about it. My website was perfect; I simply needed to make a few tweaks. It was ideal for my needs because I wanted to make a website without having to put in a lot of work,” he commented.

Olive Street Design, a Chicago-based web design company, has reduced the amount of time it takes to make corrections by hand by using Duda’s AI capabilities to update meta descriptions, page titles, and image alt-text.

“With the resources at our disposal, we can give each client a strong start to their SEO journey in a flash,” said Nat Rosasc, Olive Street Design’s Principal and Creative Director.

Predicting the future

AI applications might be used, for instance, to create highly customised web pages based on user behaviour, preferences, and real-time data. Just consider the impact of a website that dynamically adjusts elements like tone, language, marketing messaging, fonts, photos, videos, and structure for each visitor.

When combined with other technological advancements like Augmented Reality (AR), personalisation may be leveraged to create strong, immersive websites that immerse users in custom, branded experiences through website builders.

The ability to accept sophisticated voice-based commands might be added to text-based AI website-generating advancements, enabling you to essentially speak your ideal website into existence.

Utilising AI to safeguard user data, anticipate threats, and prevent susceptible internet users from interacting with dangerous people or content would also elevate security to a new level. The possibilities are endless.

Synopsis of AI Website Builders

Within website builders, artificial intelligence is an intriguing area of development. Numerous industry leaders have already introduced cutting-edge AI solutions that enhance users’ website-building experiences.

When developing websites, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and agencies are already saving time and money by utilising these technologies.

However, the use of AI in website creation is still relatively new, with the majority of solutions being amazing and useful but also basic. There are still a plethora of options to leverage its use, which makes it an attractive field with room for growth.

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