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Shura Council affirms Qatar’s support to start-ups, entrepreneurship

Qatar has made tremendous progress in assisting projects and start-ups and offering investment opportunities

The Shura Council has reportedly underscored Qatar’s resolve and eagerness to assist new ventures, offer favourable investment prospects, and promote entrepreneurship.

This was said during the second meeting of the Marrakesh Economic Parliamentary Forum for the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, which was arranged by the Parliament in collaboration with the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco. HE Abdullah bin Nasser bin Turki Al Subaie is a member of the Shura Council and vice president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.

Citing the work of the Qatar Development Bank in this area, HE Al Subaie stated that through the creation of laws and the facilitation of procedures, Qatar has made tremendous progress in assisting projects and start-ups and offering investment opportunities.

He clarified that the Qatar Development Bank rewards exceptional and successful projects, encourages women’s participation in the economy, finances projects, and provides a portion of the preliminary research to assist entrepreneurs in making the best investment decisions.

To promote capital investment in a range of economic sectors, he emphasised the state’s recent reduction of all service fees given to the trade, industry, and business development sectors by more than 90%. The state also encourages the entry of specialised foreign investment companies into the Qatari market.

During his speech, His Excellency mentioned the agreements that the state had ratified, mentioning Qatar’s efforts to strengthen its cooperation with international organisations and bodies that deal with environmental and climate change issues.

He also talked about the difficulties in fostering economic development and impediments to regional integration, bringing up the energy crisis, the ongoing effects of pandemics, disruptions in food supply chains brought on by climate change, and wars in the nations that supply the region with food imports.

The speaker underscored the pressing necessity of implementing structural economic reform and modernising the international financial system to conform to the changing demands of the economy.

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