IndustryIssue 03 - 2023MAGAZINEOman’s new era of labour reformsGBO CorrespondentSeptember 15, 2023September 20, 2023 GBO CorrespondentSeptember 15, 2023September 20, 2023 The new laws enacted in Oman affirm and uphold the principle that...
EconomyTop StoriesIMF projects Oman’s economic growthGBO CorrespondentJune 27, 2023 GBO CorrespondentJune 27, 2023 In 2022, Oman's real GDP increased by 4.3%, largely due to a...
Real EstateTop StoriesMENA Watch: Boom in real estate transactions propel Oman’s economyGBO CorrespondentMay 24, 2023 GBO CorrespondentMay 24, 2023 The Oman inflation rate dropped to 1.6% in March 2023 from 1.9%...