LogisticsTop StoriesNigerian logitech startup ShapShap raises funding from GreenTec CapitalGBO CorrespondentNovember 29, 2021November 29, 2021 GBO CorrespondentNovember 29, 2021November 29, 2021 ShapShap is providing last-mile deliveries in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria, using an...
Top StoriesAccelerating Asia to fund eight startups through accelerator cohortGBO CorrespondentSeptember 10, 2020 GBO CorrespondentSeptember 10, 2020 KaryaKarsa and MyBrand are the two Indonesian startups which will take part...
Top StoriesSingapore-based VC Antler to commit $500k for startups tackling Covid-19GBO CorrespondentApril 7, 2020 GBO CorrespondentApril 7, 2020 The VC firm is expected to invest in five different startups...
Top StoriesTNB Aura’s Special Situation Fund targets startups affected by Covid-19GBO CorrespondentApril 2, 2020 GBO CorrespondentApril 2, 2020 The fund is designed with a focus to invest $2 million in...